Sunday, January 04, 2009

Books I Picked Out for My Wife to Read in 2009

Here are 5 books I lovingly picked out for my wife to read in 2009. She has the most difficult job on the planet. She serves me selflessly. And, she still have time to read a lot. Among all her other reading, I wanted her to read these books.

1. The Peacemaker by Ken Sande
2. Worldliness edited by CJ Mahaney
3. Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges
4. Life in the Father's House by Wayne Mack
5. When People are Big and God is Small by Ed Welch

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I read "Respectable Sins" and "When People are Big and God is Small" in 2008. Both are well worth the time. Welch's book is especially helpful for those of us who have problems with the fear of man and worrying about what others think.
