Monday, November 28, 2005

Dear Timothy 2: Watch Your Life

In this chapter, Conrad Mbewe (Called the "Spurgeon of Africa") fleshes out Paul's command to Timothy to watch his life (1 Timothy 4:16). From my reading, I gather 5 specific instructions from this chapter:

1. Be sure to pay attention to your physical life because it affects your spiritual life. Vacations and rest are essentials to staying spiriually vibrant in the ministry.
2. Beware of the three "F"s: females, finances, and fame.
3. Time with God is the most important aspect of a minister's life. Conrad says, "You abandon the secret place to your own peril" (p. 44).
4. Beware of bad company. Specifically, we are exhorted to stay away from worldly-minded ministers who make us feel like we are too serious about the things of God. Flee!
5. Be disciplined at the day to day tasks of the ministry. Here we are given three specifics: develop office hours, observe punctuality, and plan ahead.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate this book as well. I have read a little of it. One of my pastors here in Owensboro, Ted Christman, wrote the chapter on loving the flock. If you ever visit here, you will see why he was the man to do it.
