When I first heard about it, I was opposed to the idea. C.J. Mahaney was going to come out with a book called, Living the Cross Centered Life which would be a merging of his previous, The Cross Centered Life and Christ, Our Mediator.
I read, studied, recommended, and thoroughly enjoyed both the previous books. Now, I was going to have to get a third book which would make the first two useless.
Well, I got a copy of Living the Cross Centered Life last weekend and now I love the idea. This new book is organized very well and will serve the body of Christ for a long time. If you don't have either of the two previous books, get Living the Cross Centered Life.
But, if you have the first two books, should I "pull a Justin Childers" and buy the new one?
ReplyDeleteMark, you ask a deep question. You see, its got to be a personal decision. I cannot tell you what to do. You have to search your heart and see if you feel led in that direction.
ReplyDeleteJust kidding. There is not much new material at all in this new one. I would think the main reason to have the new form is so that you could lead others through this great book.
Honestly, I am obsessive about some things. One of those things I'm obsessive about is that I have to own all the published books by particular authors.
Would you get a 4th edition of Desiring God if all it had was a new cover?
ReplyDeleteMark, that is a penetrating question into my obsession. The tragic thing is that it is a tough question for me to answer.
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess I would say "No", if all it had was a different cover (I do not have the new copies of "Pleasures of God" and "Future Grace" with the cool new covers). However, if it had new information or rearranged information, I would probably be the first one to pre-order it.
Secretly, I cannot wait for someone to publish "The Works of John Piper" in like 5 volumes, (even though I already have all the works of John Piper). You know, cloth bound with size 4 font like the Works of Edwards. Wow, just the thought gets me excited.
Justin, as your friend I need to respectfully call you on the carpet here. Let's face it Justin. If all it had was a new cover--you would buy it. When it comes to Piper--you are a slave to the publisher.
ReplyDeleteRob, you are right, but you are wrong.
ReplyDeleteI do not have the new covers of several Piper books. But I do have all in which there is revised information.
An example: I have owned Dever's "9 Marks of a Healthy Church" for years now. I haven't read it all the way through but have read a little of it. Well, I set out to read it all the way through recently and just could not pick up my old copy. I bought the "Revised and Expanded" version even though I already have the orignal version.
I figure if Dever felt like the information needed to be revised and updated, I should not bother with the old version.
And, if Piper feels like "Desiring God" should be revised or rearranged, I need to get it and soak in it.
What is OCD and can you give me some more hints as to your identity?
ReplyDeleteMy 13 month old daughter has gotten to where she likes to either pull books off my shelves or push them into the shelf.
ReplyDeleteI may have OCD because this drives me crazy. I make sure the "good" books are high above her little paws.
Oh but Justin, you should see how nice 'Future Grace, Pleasures, and DG' look on my book shelf with the new similar sizes and colors. just joking, hope that doesnt cause you to stumble.