Saturday, March 25, 2006

An "Uncommon Union"

Got a recommendation for you: Marriage to a Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards by Elisabeth Dodds. This is a great weekend/beach read for all who admire Jonathan Edwards. Sarah was an amazing woman!

In the appendices, the publisher includes some primary Edwards material. Included is a letter to a woman simply wanting some spiritual advice. Edwards gives her 19 specific instructions; all of which are profound and helpful. I will include 2 for our contemplation:

6. Be always greatly abased for your remaining sin, and never think that you lie low enough for it, but yet don't be at all discouraged or disheartened by it; for though we are exceeding sinful, yet we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, the preciousness of whose blood, and the merit of whose righteousness and the greatness of whose love and faithfulness does infinitely overtop the highest mountains of our sins.

8. Remember that pride is the worst viper that is in the heart, the greatest disturber of the soul's peace and sweet communion with Christ; it was the first sin that ever was, and lies lowest in the foundation of Satan's whole building, and is the most difficultly rooted out, and is the most hidden, secret and deceitful of all lusts, and often creeps in, insensibly, into the midst of religion and sometimes under the disguise of humility.

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