This book is helpful but not essential. I picked up this book for a few reasons: 1) Most of the new stuff I read is by Americans. It was refreshing to read someone who has a different perspective. 2) I have heard Ajith's sermons in connection with John Piper's conferences. I wanted to learn more from him since I benefited greatly from the sermons. 3) The concept of modeling our ministry after Jesus is much needed today. The church is modeling ministry in a thousand different ways. We should get back to following Christ!
My basic review: Helpful but not essential. While I do not agree with everything in the book, I do think it is fantastic and would heartily recommend it to anyone. However, it is in no way essential pastoral reading. Basically, Ajith Fernando takes the gospel of Mark and pulls out key elements of Jesus' ministry. He identifies 14 different characteristics in Jesus' ministry and writes a chapter on each one. Honestly, the chapter titles are the most helpful part of the book. Fernando has served us by identifying these characteristics and listing them for us. The chapters are basically topical discussions on these characteristics. Here are the chapter titles:
1. Identifying with People
2. Empowered by the Spirit
3. Affirmed by God
4. Retreating from Activity (*best chapter)
5. Affirming the Will of God
6. Saturated in the Word
7. Facing Wild Animals (dealing with opponents)
8. Bearing Good News
9. Growing in a Team
10. Discipling Younger Leaders
11. Launching Disciples into Ministry
12. Ministering to the Sick and Demon-Possessed
13. Visiting Homes
14. Praying
Permit me to throw in an "amen" to that review. It was a blessing to read, but I agree, not an essential read. I thought it wsa a nice alternative to other options on what might "drive" one's ministry.