Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ultimate MP3 Sermon CD

I am going to close down the MP3 sermon cd request right now. I recieved over 50 requests in less than a day. It may take me a week or so to get them all out. And, I will try to put the best of the best on one cd instead of just sending them all on several cds.

In case you missed the loop, check back at a later date and I may be able to do it again.

For the Glory of God and the good of His Church,

Thanks to Justin Taylor and Adrian Warnock for posting links to this giveaway (and to Rob for letting them know).


  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Oh wow! I'll take the mixture of guys! Email on the way!

  2. Anonymous2:19 PM

    thanks,,, sorry I missed the deadline but will check later.

  3. When you are featured on Justin Taylor's blog, you've hit the big time!

    And, when you get free stuff advertised on Justin Taylor's blog, you've hit the bigger time!

  4. How about if you let us download the files from somewhere, and then we burn our own CD's?

  5. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Sorry I missed this as well. I like the idea of posting them for downloading. You've done the footwork putting them together, let us do the footwork of saving it to a cd.
    Treasuring Christ Together,
    Pastor Scott

  6. Great idea. I just do not have access to a site that could hold all of these sermons for you to download.
    If anyone knows of a place I could upload them, let me know.

  7. Hey Justin,

    I'm late on the offer, but I might be able to host them for you depending on how many there are.
