Thursday, June 22, 2006

Growing Up Christian #8: Building A Firm Foundation

Chapter 8 of Growing Up Christian begins with a story about the most dangerous road in the world called “La Cumbre to Coroico.” It is dangerous because it does not have guardrails and many travelers slip off the road and fall down the mountain to their death.

The Word of God gives us the guardrails we need to live the Christian life.

Randy Alcorn: “But properly understood, biblical truths are guardrails that protect us from plunging off the cliff. A smart traveler doesn’t curse the guardrails. He doesn’t wine, ‘That guardrail dented my fender!’ He looks over the cliff, sees the demolished autos below, and is grateful for the guardrails.”

It isn’t enough to know the facts of the Christian faith. We need to think seriously about them, know why they are important, and take them to heart. The depth of our knowledge today will affect the strength of our walk in the future.

This chapter combats what could be called danger #7 that church kids face: the danger of being too shallow.

How do we grow deeper in our knowledge of God and His Word:
1. Start with the right motive.
2. Seek to have knowledge with passion.
3. Focus on the doctrines of God, man, and salvation.
4. Use helpful tools as you study.

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