Thursday, July 27, 2006

Expository Thoughts: A Clear Command

This week our memory verse is James 2:1: “My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show favoritism.” This command could not be any clearer. Here is a clear command that should pierce our hearts. We all show favoritism. By nature, we prefer people who benefit us over people who are different from us. When you get a chance, read James 2:1-13. In this section, James gives an example of favoritism in the church and then gives two reasons for not showing partiality. The first reason that we should not show favoritism, according to James, is that God does not show favoritism. Deuteronomy 10:17 says, “For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe.” In other words, it is part of God’s character and glory to not show favoritism. Remember the gospel: God chose and accepted you not based on anything in you (thank God), but only on the basis of Christ’s sacrifice. The ground is level at the foot of the Cross. Knowing this should help us to love and accept everyone, even if we don’t have anything in common with them. Examine your heart. Where is favoritism evident in your life and what are you doing to fight against it? Finally, notice James’ affection for Christ: “as believers in our GLORIOUS Lord Jesus Christ…” The more we fall in love with Christ, the more we will radically love those around us.

Gazing on the Glory of Christ,
Justin Childers


  1. Owie. I have really thought about that and I tend to show favortism in my relationships. I tend to spend more time praying for, thinking about, or with those who are most like me in personality. The friends that I have that are gentle and that have learned to be more gracious with their words- and who are not afraid to confront me when I am in sin.

    But those friends that I have that are not so gracious- who are more vocal about their preferences- or are harsh in voicing their opinions, or that tend to lean towards legalism- I tend to get frusterated with. I tend to shy away from them. I tend to keep the friendship distant instead of loving them and praying for them and spending more time with them. I also tend to not want to be teachable when with them. I carry the attitude that I cant learn anything from them....and I tend to not be patient in them trying to learn from me...

    man, thats pretty gross. Thank you for that challenge. It has been evident to me the past couple of weeks that I was having difficulty in those relationships, but I didnt know why....and now I do...thinking on the gospel is very humbling. And remembering that the Lord doesnt like me best just because of what he has taught me or because of my personality...He loves His children equally....and I need to be teachable always!
