Thursday, July 06, 2006

Pray for Your Pastor

I want to encourage you to carve out some extended time today to specifically pray for your pastor(s). Then, inform him of what you are praying for him about. Gone are the days of just saying something general like "Pastor, I'm praying for you." Let's encourage him by asking him what we can specifically pray for him about.

An action plan:
1. E-mail or call your pastor(s) today and ask for specifics to pray for. Some helpful questions: What text are you preaching on this Sunday? What book(s) are you reading? What are some of the issues you are facing in the next week? Anything I can pray about relating to your family?
2. Actually pray for an extended period of time for your pastor.
3. Inform him of your prayers for him.

A good Biblical prayer to pray: That he may make the gospel clear as he preaches (Col. 4:4).

While you are asking him questions, you may want to also ask him: "Am I a joy to pastor? If not, how can I be more of a joy to pastor?" For some background on this question, listen to this message by C.J. Mahaney preached at Mark Dever's church.


  1. Thank you for this challenge...our pastors appreciated it very much!

    (not bragging that we did it, but thanking you for the reminder- and it was very encouraging to them!)
