Saturday, August 26, 2006

We Made It!

Time left: 9:30am (Central time) on Wednesday morning
Time arrived: 11:00pm (Eastern time) on Thursday night

Hours spent waiting for a locksmith to free Calvin (the dog) from the car somewhere in South Carolina: 2

Cost of gas for the Uhaul: $537.10

Number of miles we drove: 1230

More later.

A question for you: If you were planting a church in a new city, what would be some of the first things you would do?


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Praise the Lord! I'm glad to hear you and your family made it safely to N.C. Thank the Lord for His traveling mercies! Miss ya, dude! Let me know what you think of that book I gave you. Talk to you soon.

    Chris Mitchell

  2. i'm glad yall made it. sorry to hear about poor calvin and the cash you dropped on gas. but youre there! how exciting and challenging life will be in a new place and the potential there is from starting a church from nearly scratch.

    my answer to your question: i would find the nearest barnes and noble, sit down with a good book in the big comfy chairs, and inevitably someone will come and sit next to you. i meet all kinds of people in there. lots of times we talk about what we are reading and usually for me its a christian book or nursing stuff. either way, lots of times i get the opportunity to share my faith on some level and even have shared the gospel a few times.

  3. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Hey! Justin,

    I know that you had made it with the Lord's help! It's was wonderful to see you yesterday. I wish that I was there in time to help to unload but I had to work overtime. I am glad that some of our group had help you out. I had pray that the gas prices to come down for you all. (It's still coming down now to $2.71 is the lowest I saw today.)

    To answer that question is to Thank the Lord for this church plant and ask Him for the wisdom that you and us group need to have for this wonderful church that the Lord had called all of us to do.

    See you tomorrow night! I just can't wait to start 1 Timothy with you all. Perfect timing to start that book for Bible Study group.

    The Lord is SO GOOD to us. We all can't do without Him. I am so thankful for you and your family too.

    Your sheep,
    Bold as a Lion

  4. After your drive, the first thing I would do is sleep. I have heard of congregations dosing off during sermons and studies, but it would be a shame for the new pastor to do so!

    Justin, may God bless you as you lead Christ Baptist Church.

  5. Glad to read you made it safely. Crazy to think you paid more for gas then I pay for rent.

    First thing I would do if I was planting a church in a new city is pray for folks on church planting team. I'd also pray for the harvest, knowing that it is plentiful and God is faithful!

  6. I'll be praying for you! We just finished an outreach weekend to get the word out to our community about our church - we needed help so we had a team from another church come provide man-power, funds, and enthusiasm! The weekend had lots of servant evangelism things - free (no donations) car washes, cookie/ice cream give-a-ways, gift bag drops, and a visitor sunday with a barbeque. All were blessed...

  7. Anonymous11:02 PM

    I would prayer walk/ drive in strategic areas of the city. I would see what types of things the city revolves around and observe them. I would ask people, both in and out of CHrist BC open ended questions that will invite them to conversation.
