Friday, September 08, 2006

Leading With Love

Alexander Strauch has a new book called Leading With Love. It is fantastic!

The first chapter is an exposition of 1 Corinthians 13:1-3. His outline is penetrating and powerfully faithful to the text. The point of this text is that love for other believers is indespensible to please God and build His Church.

1. Without Love Even Heavenly Language Sounds Annoying

2. Without Love Knowing It All Helps No One
*Knowledge without love inflates the ego and deceives the mind.
*Strauch describes what I want to avoid: "His theology was as clear as ice and twice as cold."

3. Without Love Risk-taking Faith is Worthless
*Too often Christians are concerned about hidden truth, but indifferent about loving difficult people.

4. Without Love Giving All One's Money to the Poor is Unprofitable

5. Without Love The Ultimate Sacrifice of One's Life is Pointless


  1. i just read 1 Cor 13 a couple days ago... I love that - it's so true -more and more I'm learning I can't do anything without having true compassion for others... so important to start there. ~Shelah

  2. Anonymous2:38 AM

    In my last reading of the NT, I noticed how Paul in 4 or 5 places after discussing church admininstrations and gifts, reverted to the topic of love. Sometimes it gets left out, you know.

    May God bless and your loved ones as you unpack in NC. We used to live in Montreat, ourselves.
