Friday, October 20, 2006

2 3-letter words: BUT GOD

2 3-letter words have changed my life. Ephesians 2:1-3 contains, in graphic detail, just how depraved I really am without Christ. Preparing to preach on this sobering passage, I was reminded of just how deep the Hell that I was saved from. I was dead (lifeless), disobedient (enslaved to the world, the flesh, and the devil) and doomed. I was by nature a child of wrath.


No sweeter combination of words exist! I was dead, BUT GOD. I was disobedient and enslaved, BUT GOD. I was doomed and deserving of wrath, BUT GOD.
I was a liar, BUT GOD.
I was a theif, BUT GOD.
I was a cheater, BUT GOD.
I was arrogant, BUT GOD.
I was abusive, BUT GOD.
I was a defrauder, BUT GOD.
I was disobedient to authority, BUT GOD.
I was an idol-worshiper, BUT GOD.
I was greedy, BUT GOD.
I was disloyal, BUT GOD.
I was a persecutor of Christians, BUT GOD...

...through His mercy, because of His great love, soley by His grace, showed kindness to me.

He made me alive together with Christ.
He raised me up with Christ.
He seated me with Christ in the heavenly places.

All to showcase His perfections to creation (2:7).


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    This was a powerful sermon and I pray these truths will work deeply in our hearts and minds. It is stunning to realize God has saved such dead, rebellious creatures. What a joy it is to begin CBCW in Ephesians. May God be glorified in our town and beyond!

    P.S. Let's get these sermons on the website for all to hear!!

  2. Anonymous8:52 AM

    "Therefore my friends, seek the arrows of his love before the time comes for the arrows of his wrath. Run to the shelter of the Savior before you wish for the shelter of the rocks. May you be a trophy of his grace and rejoice in the day of his coming. Amen." Edward Griffin (1770-1837)

  3. Thank you for that humbling reminder this morning. I wish that I could live each moment with that thought in the forefront of my mind. How it would majorly change the way I live and think! What a pride killer!

    I hope you do post your sermons online! I will have to check them out!

  4. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Thank you for preaching the sermon on Sunday with HIS Word. We all do need to hear this. I am looking forward another sermon from you as you are eating His word and sharing with us. I am learning a lot from you and growing too.

    In Christ alone,

  5. I am sad to have missed this sermon. Could you start a podcast asap? Just from reading, it seems to have been a beautiful and humble rendering of the kindness of our God.

  6. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Justin -

    I do not know who you are and am not familiar with your ministry. I am a worship minister who has been set aside for a time of restoration - thanks be to God. Today, the phrase "But God" came to my mind. "_____, but God" - fill in the blank with ANYTHING that I have done, can do, or even want to do...but GOD!" I would love to hear your sermon on this!


  7. I'd be happy to send you a copy. Just e-mail me your address. thanks, justin
