Perkins wrote:
Preaching involves:
1. Reading the text clearly from the canonical Scriptures.
2. Explaining the meaning of it, once it has been read, in the light of the Scriptures themselves.
3. Gathering a few profitable points of doctrine from the natural sense of the passage.
4. If the preacher is suitably gifted, applying the doctrines thus explained to the life and practice of the congregation in straightforward, plain speech.
The heart of the matter is this:
Preach one Christ,
by Christ,
to the praise of Christ.
The last few weeks I've moved from the 3-point sermon to have a few key points explaining the text, and a few key points applying the text.
ReplyDeleteI initially did it because the particular text (1 Cor. 9) didn't lend itself to the 'typical' convention of our culture.
kind of liking it.
Amen and yes! I heard one preacher say it like this, "Take the text and squeeze all of the life out of it you can."