Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Good Wife is a Good Gift From God

I must be the most blessed man on the face of this globe. God continues to pour out His grace on my life daily. He could remove it all and still be good.

The greatest gift of grace (outside of Christ's perfect righteousness) He has given is my wonderful wife. Jeanna is a faithful, beautiful, and godly compainion. She continues to love me in spite of me daily. There is absolutely no one on the face of this globe I would rather grow old with than her. God has given me eyes only for her.

Jeanna, you are the love of my life. My love for you grows deeper and sweeter as the days, months, and years pass us by. Thank you for reflecting the glory of Christ by your submission, help, and respect. Thank you for being a Christ-centered mother and a lover of the Church Christ gave Himself up for. I am sorry that my expressed love is often a shaddow of the actual affection I have for you in my heart.

My request has always been and continues to be...
"Glorify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together."


  1. Justin,
    Thanks for the inspiration!(I have posted a similar entry on my blog. About my wife, not yours! lol) Tell Jeanna she is far better than you deserve!


  2. thank yall for being such a great example of marriage.

  3. Thank you Justin for those words. They are far more gracious than I deserve. I am the one who is truly blessed, His and Yours.

  4. Anonymous8:18 AM

    is it just me, or is it weird to post worshipping pics and to communicate with your spouse thru blogs?

  5. Anonymous, its just you.

    I think it is beautiful, it reflects the life that Justin and Jeanna share together. That picture shows what they are really about- and it shows what their marriage is really about. They are totally satisfied in the Lord- it shows the relationship btwn your love for the Lord and your love for your spouse.

    I think it's sweet that they communicate through their blogs, it puts their love for the Lord and for each other on display. I think that couples (esp. Christian couples) should do things like that more often. Jesus said that the world would know us by our love for one another.

    Way to go Justin and Jeanna! You guys are such an encouragement to me. I wish that we could have able to see you guys again before you left Texas, but atleast you and Dallas will get to be at Sheppherd's together! We are both really excited about that!

    Anyways, I just wanted to say what I thought about your picture and post.


  6. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Marriage is a public act, just like the ceremony (though obviously not all parts of it are). Is this any different than the singer who writes a love song for a person? It does not seem inappropriate for a man to declare his love for his wife. Gee, doesn't Jesus do that?
