Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Shepherds' Conference Giveaways

For those who care, here are the books that were given away at the Shepherds' Conference last week. Click on the title to see more about the book:

1. Assured By God edited by Parsons (click on the title and check out the topics and authors of this book. It looks good!).
2. A Method for Prayer by Matthew Henry
3. Meet The Puritans by Beeke and Pederson
4. Foundations of Grace by Steve Lawson
5. What Jesus Demands from the World by John Piper
6. Acts by James Montgomery Boice
7. Life in the Body of Christ by Thomas
8. The Second Coming by MacArthur
9. Because the Time is Near by MacArthur
10. The MacArthur NT Commentary (bonded leather edition)
11. For The Sake of His Name by David Doran


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    So, I'd like to borrow Meet the Puritans and Foundations of Grace. I've read good things about Steve Lawson from Tim Challies (and you had good things to say about him from the conference). What was it like to meet TC, the King of Blogging?


  2. Hey Justin...did you get "Fools Gold" by John Mac? Dallas brought that home and I have read almost half way through it just in a couple of hours...its really good.

