Monday, March 12, 2007

Shepherds' Conference Reflections

Some concluding reflections on The Shepherds' Conference:

1. After reviewing all the messages, here are the categories for how God used them in my life:

*Lawson's call for powerful, expository, Christ-centered preaching from Acts 2.
*Lig's Christ-exalting exposition on Numbers 5.
*Al's call for Cross-driven preaching and ministry from 1 Cor. 2.
*J-Mac's last message on justification from Luke 18.

*CJ's reminder that pride is my greatest enemy and humility is my greatest friend from Isaiah 66.
*Dever's call to die from Daniel 1-6.

2. I have thought more about John MacArthur's opening message, about which everyone is talking. I still think it was very un-balanced and un-helpful attack on amillenialism. However, I have at least come to see that he knew what he was doing. He is trying to influence this current generation. A balanced approach would have been written off.
I like John MacArthur very much. He is an extrodinary expositor. I will continue to benefit from his commentaries and books throughout my ministry. However, I think he made a mistake here. I wonder whether it will effect future Shepherds' Conferences. Will amil speakers continue to accept his invitation? It cannot be easy to be invited to speak and then told you don't take the Bible litterally and don't honor God.

3. John MacArthur's pulpit is crazy cool. First, it is huge! You can spread your notes out on that thing. Second, it is electronic. They have rigged it up where someone in the back can push a button and make the pulpit disappear into the stage. Then, when someone stands to speak, here comes the pulpit rising slowly from the floor. I would love to know how much that cost. Maybe Christ Baptist can get that hooked up one day!

4. One of the most enduring aspects of the conference for me will be Steve Lawson's The Expository Genius of John Calvin. I will write more on this later.


  1. So, no lost "cheese trays"? I'm glad you went. Now let's all say T4G 2008!!!


  2. By the way, the pulpit at Grace Community Church also has a switch on top of it so the speaker can adjust the height himself. There is also a clock embedded in the pulpit, last time I looked.
