Thursday, April 12, 2007

Birthday Memories

When I was growing up, my mom made birthdays a huge event. Among other things, we would get to eat our meal of choice off the "special" plate.
Here is what I wrote in my journal 4 years ago:
I’m 25 years old today. Birthdays (like New Year’s Day) have a way of reminding me that life is short. 25 seems old to me right now, but soon (if God wills) I will be 35, 45, 85. I’m also reminded of the faithfulness of God. He has been good and He has blessed me beyond measure. I’m committing myself to Him again today. Lord, I bring myself and all that I have to your feet. I only ask that you allow me to be spent for Your Kingdom in the next days.
Last night, a friend and I visited a Jewish synagogue. It was very interesting. About 90% of the service was in Hebrew. It renewed my passion to learn Hebrew. They talked about the upcoming Passover week. I wanted to stand up and shout, “The Passover Lamb has been slain! The Messiah has come!” I probably should have done so. Lord, give me a radical spirit that calls people to you.


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    yea!!! happy birthday! have a super blessed day! tell your wife i can't wait to see her.


  2. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Happy Birthday Justin! I hope you had a great one!

