Thursday, May 31, 2007

Book Sale, Book Sale, Book Sale

A few highlights from the current WTS Book Sale:

1. D.A. Carson's excellent book on prayer: A Call to Spiritual Reformation. My favorite Carson book.
2. John Stott's classic: The Cross of Christ. I haven't read all of this yet, but the parts I have are excellent.
3. Philip Ryken's new homeletical commentary on Galatians. Currently, this is the closest book to me. And it will continue to be as long as I am preaching through Galatians. The first few chapters are fantastic! 50% off!!
4. John Piper's follow up to Desiring God: When I Don't Desire God. Chapters 7 and 8 are worth the price of the book.
5. Others.


  1. Justin,
    Really man, you have to stop doing this to me. I have spent more money on books lately because of you. However, these are some great books.

  2. Randy, I make no apologies. There are only two things in life that I think it is ok to go into debt because:
    1. A House (not more than 2 1/2 times your annual income)
    2. Books (no limit)

    Of course, I am somewhat kidding. Although, I have heard CJ say the bookstore is a debt-free/budget-free zone.
