Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Luther on Preaching

"If I were to write about the burdens of the preacher as I have experienced them and as I know them, I would scare everybody off."

"Don't torment your hearers, or keep them sitting in church with long, tedious sermons. Such preaching robs the pulpit of delight."

"For a good preacher must be committed to this, that nothing is dearer to him than Christ and the life to come."

1 comment:

  1. Great quotes (particularly the second one). I know how much you like to recommend books from WTS, so I thought I'd suggest one: "The Enemy Within" by Kris Lundgard. This book has short chapters and is incredibly easy to read, yet it is heavily influenced by Owen's "Temptation and Sin" and does a great job of helping believers recognize and deal with indwelling sin. It has been helpful to me and I think could be helpful to many others, as well.

