Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah

Today (and tomorrow) is THE DAY. All Books, Bibles, and Study Guides at Desiring God are selling for $5 each, no limits. Such generousity should cause us to also be generous. When ordering your books, think about someone else. Who could use a copy of Desiring God or Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ?

UPDATE: Anyone else having problems accessing the DG store? Is seems like we might have crashed their server. Can you imagine how many people from around the world have been ransacking their store? Lets give them a break for a couple of hours!


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I've just ordered eight books (including a Bible!!) for $40. Astonishing. I pray God will use them in the most amazing ways...


  2. I ordered my books last night. They opened it a little early.

  3. Anonymous2:32 PM

    It took me over a hour but the praise is Bold Lion should have her books within the next two weeks.

  4. Hi! Anonymous and Justin,

    I am looking forward to books in everyway. By the way, I am getting mighty currious who are you, Anonymous but I should be thanking the Lord for you and for the books too.

    Eating His Word,
