Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Marriage/Family Resources Sale

The new WTS Book sale invoves books about marriage and family. Here are my thoughts on some of the books:

1. If you've got a teenager or will have one in the next couple of years, you MUST get Growing Up Christian. I took a group of teenagers through this book last summer and it was life-changing. Go back to last summers blog posts and find the whole series I did on this great book.
2. Shepherding a Child's Heart is must reading for parents of all stages.
3. Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God is a fantastic book for husbands by C.J. Mahaney.
4. I was very unimpressed with this booklet. Sorry, I just did not find it helpful. If you have read it and found it helpful, I would love to hear why.

1 comment:

  1. I browsed through #4 and it is one of the reasons I am NOT a paedobaptist.
