Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Calvinistic Gospel!

"This, however, is my comfort, 'Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and for ever.' He saw me from all eternity; He gave me being; He called me in time; He has freely justified me through faith in His blood; He has in part sanctified me by His Spirit; He will preserve me underneath His everlasting arms till time shall be no more. Oh the blessedness of these evangelical truths! These are indeed Gospel; they are glad tidings of great joy to all that have ears to hear. These, bring the creature out of himself. These, make him hang upon the promises, and cause his obedience to flow from a principle of love.
Satan will accuse me; my answer shall be, The Lord Jesus is my righteousness; how darest thou lay anything to the charge of God's elect? I stand here, not in my own, but His robes; and though I deserve nothing as a debt, yet I know He will give me a reward of grace, and recompence me for what He has done in me and by me, as though I had done it by my own power. Oh, how ought this to excite our zeal and love for the holy Jesus."

-George Whitefield, (Dallimore, p. 406)

1 comment:

  1. The gospel is GREAT! And it goes with power!
