Friday, August 24, 2007

Galatians Commentaries

I was asked to list my favorite Galatians commentaries now that I have preached through most of the book. This is a tricky question because commentaries have different purposes. Here are some of my thoughts:

1. The best all-around Galatians commentary: Timothy George's New American Commentary.
2. The best homeletical (preaching) commentary: Phillip Ryken's Reformed Expository Commentary.
3. The best technical (Greek) commentary: Richard Longenecker's Word Biblical Commenatry.
4. The best consice commentary: John Stott's, "The Message of Galatians."
5. Luther's commentary on Galtians is great, but more devotional.

Random thought #1:
I have found that John MacArthur's homeletical Galatians commentary is much weaker than his others. I usually enjoy reading MacArthur's outlines and expositions. Galatians was one of the first commentaries he wrote. I wouldn't recommend it.

Random thought #2:
The commentaries on Galatians are by and large weaker than the commentaries on Ephesians. I would rather have O'Brien's commentary on Ephesians than all the commentaries on Galatians combined. This is probably more of a reflection on what I like in a commentary than anything else.

Here is a link to other commentaries on Galatians.


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM


    Thanks for posting this. I'm preaching through Galatians 5 & 6 at a youth retreat in a few weeks and am about to dive into some commentaries. I just sent an email to a few mentors asking for their top recommendations. I should have emailed you. Thanks brother!
    Gal 5.25

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    have you read/used Leon Morris' commentary "Paul's Charter of Christian Freedom"? If so, what are your thoughts in comparison to Stott?

  3. Tanner, yes I have read the majority of Leon Morris' commentary on Galatians. Honestly, I have not benefited very much from it. It is pretty basic and I would much rather have Timothy George or Stott.

  4. Anonymous2:43 PM

    u da man. thanks for the prompt reply.
