Saturday, August 04, 2007

Preaching the Gospel to My Conscience

The Great Work of the Gospel is a GREAT book. If we could learn to preach the gospel to ourselves like this, we would be happy people:

When my conscience condemns and blocks the way to God, I must be ready to stand on the truth of the gospel and contend for my faith.

By faith, I look to the heavens and shout, "Oh happy day!"

Conscience shouts back, "I object."

I reply, "On what basis?"

Conscience says, "You did such-and-such. How can you possibly think God does not see it?"

I admit, "I will not deny the facts, and God knows the tears that have been shed over it. But I ask, 'Was it or was it not a sin for which Christ died?'"

Conscience demurs, "Well, yes."

My faith takes the offensive, "If yes, was it or was it not paid in full?"

Conscience pauses, "I withdraw the objection."

Faith presses further, "And should you not also rejoice with me?"

Conscience is awestruck by the all-sufficiency of the cross. And faith says, then let us draw near to God and say, "Thank You, Father, for paying for that awful sin my conscience has just brought to mind. I rejoice all the more deeply in your loving-kindness."

We can truly say, "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). Such is the cleansing power of the cross, when grasped by faith, on a stained conscience.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Thanks for reading and recommending my friend John Ensor's wonderful book, The Great Work of the Gospel. May I also suggest his newest book for your church's young people, Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart. From his perspective of counseling hundreds of women (and their lovers!) in the Crisis Pregnancy ministry, as well as raising three of his own children and pastoring many more, Ensor has a unique forum for writing this outstanding book for the young generation. I highly recommend it. Also from Crossway.
