Monday, September 03, 2007

Prayers of Paul: Philippians 1:3-11

Prayer of Thanksgiving (1:3-8)
Why Paul thanks God for the Philippians:
(1) His own feelings for them.
-He offers prayer with joy (1:4)
-He has them in his heart (1:7)
-He longs for them with the affection of Christ Jesus (1:8)
(2) Their fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.
-They are “fellow partakers/partners.” (1:5, 7)
(3) God’s good work in them. (1:6)
-Past: “He who began a good work in you.” (God’s sovereign initiative)
-Present: “Will complete it” (God’s sovereign faithfulness)
-Future: “Until the day of Christ.” (God’s sovereign completion)

Prayer of Intercession (1:9-11)
What Paul prays for the Philippians:
-Their love may abound and grow more and more.
(1) that they might make the best decisions possible
-in real knowledge and all discernment.
-They may approve (discern) the things that are excellent.
(2) that they might be the best people possible
-Sincerity (purity) and blamelessness.
-filled with the fruit of righteousness to the glory & praise of God.

1 comment:

  1. Justin,

    I just preached from Phil. 1:1-18 in a church yesterday on "Gospel Priorities." I have been greatly helped in my study of Philippians by D.A. Carson's little book, Basics for Believers. I would recommend it to you if you don't already have it.
