Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Serve One Another

Galatians 5:13: "Through love serve one another."

Some reflections on the command to serve one another:
1. It seems as if every other "one another" command fits under this one. In other words, every other way we are to relate to each other is to be a means of serving one another. If how we are relating is not an expression of serving one another, we are not relating to one another properly.

2. Martin Luther said to serve one another means, “performing unimportant works such as the following: teaching the erring; comforting the afflicted; encouraging the weak; helping the neighbor in whatever way we can; bearing with his rude manners and impoliteness; putting up with annoyances, labors, and the ingratitude and contempt of men in both church and state; obeying the magistrates; treating one’s parents with respect; being patient in the home with a cranky wife and an unmanageable family, and the like.”

3. There are thousands of practical ways in which we can serve each other. However, the most important way we need to serve each other is by reminding each other of the gospel. We need to serve each other by preaching the gospel to each other every day. Friends, we do not love merely by caring for someone’s physical needs to the neglect of their spiritual needs. Every person on the face of this globe needs one thing: A Savior. I need people to serve me by reminding me of my great need for Christ.

4. Ways in which we can practically serve one another in love:
-Pray for one another.
-Encourage one another by identifying evidences of grace in each other.
-Volunteer for various responsibilities in the church (Nursery, Set-up, etc.).
-Giving someone a book that has helped you grow in Christ.
-Offering to cook or buy a meal for a busy mother and her family.
-Offering to baby-sit so that a couple with children can go on a date.
-Use a skill or resource to save someone else time and money.
-Write a note of encouragement.
-Show hospitality to visitors at church.
-Invite someone to lunch who you have known for a long time but never shared the gospel with.

5. Other texts that command us to serve one another and build one another up:
John 13:14; Romans 14:19; Phil. 2:3; 1 Thess. 5:11; 1 Peter 4:10

In what other ways can we serve others in the body of Christ? How have people served you for the glory of God?

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