Thursday, October 04, 2007

What is a Healthy Church?

What a gift from the pen (keyboard) of Mark Dever! What is a Healthy Church is a treasure to the body of Christ. In this small book (only about 120 pages), Dever helps us think through the right questions to ask regarding a healthy church. He explains from the Bible what a church is and what a church is not. He gives three “essential” marks of a healthy church and six “important” marks. He also has great advice for specific things to look for when looking for a church.

If you are a pastor, buy a bunch of copies of this book and give them out to members/visitors (9Marks sells them for $5 each!).

1 comment:

  1. I think one of Dever's books will be what I take our deacons through next. I would actually like to get this in the hands of all of our people. Thanks for the post.
