Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Son Has A Name

After much deliberation, we have decided on a strong name for our son. God willing, he will be born in about two weeks.

His name is Noah John Childers.

A prayer for Noah on the occasion of the announcement of his name:

Glorious Father, we approach You in the name of Your precious Son in order to plead with You for Your favor on our son, Noah John. Just as You imputed Your righteousness to Noah before the flood, we ask You to do that same work of grace for our son (Genesis 6:8). In spite of his sin, count him as righteous in Your sight because of the substitutionary atonement of Your Son. And, we pray that he would walk with You all the days of his life (Genesis 6:9). Make him a righteous man who trusts You in the midst of a crooked generation (Hebrews 11:7). Make him a herald of Your righteousness (2 Peter 2:5). Give him a heart to obey You (Genesis 6:22) and worship You with passion (Genesis 8:20). We confess our dependence on You. Help us to shepherd his heart well and raise him to fear You. Father, Your kindness to us is evident. We thank You and pray in Jesus' name. Amen.


  1. Wonderful Name!

    We pray God's blessing on Jeanna, Noah, and you in the coming weeks.

    We look forward to hearing good news.

    Jordan & Jessica

  2. Can't wait! I am so thankful for you all and will be praying for Noah John in every way that he will be bold to share the gospel and hungry to eat His Word too.

    In Christ Alone,

  3. Anonymous11:01 PM

    congratulations- and may he rest quickly.

    2 weeks ahead of time is good. We didn't pick a name for our daughter until the day after she was born.

  4. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Justin- Congrats to you and Jenna in the coming birth of your son. I know that you guys are so excited. I remember when my daughter was born. Thank you for consistently inspiring me through your blog.

    Darrell Halk

  5. Anonymous11:21 AM

    i meant to say I remember how awesome it was when my daughter was born. Of course I remember her birth she is only 2 1/2 haha

    D Halk
