Thursday, December 06, 2007

Talk More About The Gospel

"I gather, then, from this, that Christian people ought to talk more about the
gospel than they do, and a great deal more about that primary and
elementary truth of the gospel, the coming of Jesus Christ into the world to
save the guilty. Believers ought so often to speak of it that it should be
currently reported, amongst even ungodly people, as one of our common
phrases and stock speeches. I should like them to be able to taunt us with it
as a main part of our conversation; it would even be a good sign if they
complained that we wearied them with it. Let them say, Why, they are
always harping on that string; even their children lisp it, their young men
toast of it, and their matrons and their sires affirm it, and add their solemn
seal thereunto, as if it were, the sheet-anchor of their lives.” O ye who
know the wondrous story, talk ye of the gospel by the way, talk of it when
ye sit in your houses, speak of it at your work, tell it to those who pass you
in the street or in the fields! Make the world hear it, make society ring with
it. If there be a new saying, though it be but a jest, men report it, and every
newspaper finds a corner for it; are we to be silent about this oldest and yet
newest saying?"

-CH Spurgeon

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