Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Foreknowledge of God

Last night, I taught on the Exhaustive Foreknowledge of God. It was a delightful meditation. I had fun meditating on these things:

-Nothing is news to God.
-God does not need to be briefed each morning.
-There are no projections to God.
-There is nothing expected to God.
-Nothing takes God by surprise.
-There are no announcements to God.
-God never discovers anything.
-There are no estimations to God.
-God does not need a forecast.
-There are no anticipations as to what is going to happen.
-God knows no hypotheses.
-There is nothing that God wonders.
-God doesn’t need predictions.
-Nothing is a mere theory to God.
-It is impossible for God to gamble or take a risk.


  1. From Sam Storms:
    "Did it ever occur to you that nothing ever occurs to God?"

  2. God also does not get frusterated!

  3. Anonymous10:22 AM


    I would love to use this in a resource I am putting together encouraging students to go to the nations. Of course I would quote you. Would this be okay with you?

  4. Chase:
    Feel free to use whatever you want however you want.
    I would love to hear more about what you are working on.

  5. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I am wanting to put a resource form my ministry i the hands of students we meet who are showing interest in the nations that would have some of the whys and hows of making much of Jesus among the nations.
