1. Carson's Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor. I simply can't wait to get my hands on this book. I am the definition of an ordinary pastor and want to be faithful not famous. Here is CJ's recommendation. Here is Desiring God's recommendation.
2. Again, Sam Storms' The Hope of Glory is available.
3. A Gospel Primer by Milton Vincent. I have heard great things about this resource. It has been out for a while but now it is published in book form. Anything to help us preach the gospel to ourselves is worth buying.
4. Tim Keller's The Reason for God and Mark Driscoll's Vintage Jesus are drawing a lot of attention.
Highly recommend the "Gospel Primer"...I have the older spiral bound version, but Rob just brought home the new one last week. I have been using it in my times with the Lord, just reading a small section at a time b/c it is so rich in truth! I'm about done with it and look forward to flipping back to the front and starting again...over and over again! We can never have too much gospel!