Monday, March 17, 2008

"Not Me; Him"

Preaching from John 1 has lifted my eyes and heart to see and love the person and work of our Savior. I am thankful for God's opening my eyes to marvel at the glory of Jesus.

One of the ways we see the glory of Christ's person and work is through the God-sent forerunner, John the Baptist. John was singularly devoted to Christ. He was relentless in his passion to make much of Jesus. Every chance he got, he pointed people away from himself to the person and work of Jesus. The summary of John's life and ministry was, "Not me; Him." Jesus must increase, I must decrease (Jn. 3:30).

Preaching from John 1:19-37 Sunday was extremely challenging to my own life. I was forced to evaluate myself. What is my life about? Who or what am I centered on? Do I take glory for myself which should go to Christ alone?

One of the most profound insights that I saw in the text this week was the fact that John's understanding of the person and work of Jesus is what fueled his life devoted to Jesus. John understood that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He understood that Jesus is the One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. That theology, set on fire, is what fueled John the Baptist's passion to point others to Christ.

How about you, what is your life about?

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