Thursday, August 28, 2008

25 Glories of Jesus Christ in Revelation 1

Rejoice in the glory of your Savior today!

1. Jesus is the faithful witness (v. 5).
2. Jesus is the firstborn of the dead (v. 5).
3. Jesus is the ruler of kings on earth (v. 5).
4. Jesus loves us (v. 5).
5. Jesus has freed us from our sins by His blood (v. 5).
6. Jesus made us a kingdom, priests to His Father (v. 6).
7. Jesus deserves all glory and dominion forever (v. 6).
8. Jesus is coming and every eye will see Him (v. 7).
9. Jesus contains the patient endurance (v. 9).
10. Jesus is in the midst of His churches (v. 13).
11. Jesus is the Son of Man (v. 13).
12. Jesus is clothed with a long robe (v. 13).
13. Jesus has a golden sash around His chest (v. 13).
14. Jesus’ hair is white like snow (v. 14).
15. Jesus’ eyes are like a flame of fire (v. 14).
16. Jesus’ feet are like strong bronze (v. 15).
17. Jesus’ voice is like the roar of many waters (v. 15).
18. Jesus holds the church’s messengers in His hand (v. 16).
19. Jesus’ words are a sharp two-edged sword (v. 16).
20. Jesus’ face is like the sun shinning in full strength (v. 16).
21. Jesus is the first and the last (v. 17).
22. Jesus is the living One (v. 18).
23. Jesus died (v. 18).
24. Jesus is alive forevermore (v. 18).
25. Jesus has the keys of Death and Hades (v. 18).

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