Wednesday, August 27, 2008

7 Interpretive Helps for Revelation

1. Revelation focuses on Jesus Christ.
The point of this book is to make known the power, might, glory, and victory of the Lamb.

2. Revelation is given to reveal (make known).
The purpose of this book is not to confuse, but to reveal. Revelation is not trying to hide something. Its intent is to show something clearly.

3. Revelation must be interpreted in light of the rest of Scripture (particularly the OT).
MacArthur says 278 of its 404 verses allude to the OT Scriptures.

4. Revelation must be interpreted with humility.
Godly scholars vary in their interpretations on this book. Being dogmatic about something that is not clear is unwise. Humility demands that we use words like, “most likely,” “possibly,” “sometimes,” “could,” “may,” and “probably.”

5. Revelation has an original audience (like every other Biblical book).
Revelation is a letter written to real churches. Real original readers were supposed to hear the content of this book and be encouraged. Thus, interpretations that neglect the original readers should be suspect.

6. Revelation was written to suffering Christians.
The purpose of this letter is to encourage persecuted Christians to hold fast to the gospel. It is written so that Christians could know with certainty that the Lamb will triumph.
“God gave us Revelation not to tickle our fancy, but to strengthen our hearts.” –Poythress

7. Revelation is about Jesus Christ.
Since this is Revelation, I had to have a list of "7." So, I just restated the first one to make the most important point again.

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