Sunday, September 21, 2008

2 Year Anniversary Letter

I wrote a letter to my church for our anniversary celebration. You can read last year's letter here. You can read this year's below or listen to me read it before my sermon.

Dear Christ Baptist Church,

It is with a heart bursting with gratefulness that I write this letter to you on the occasion of our Second Anniversary of gathering on Sunday mornings. The purpose of this letter is to reflect on the kindness of God to us and to anticipate some of what we want to see Him do in the future. Basically, this is just some random meditations of a blessed pastor, doing far better than he deserves.

It has been a joy to watch growth and maturity happen at Christ Baptist this year. The Lord has been gracious to bring stability and sanctification in noticeable measures. The marks of health are all around us. Evidences of God’s grace abound in our midst. Relationships have been intentionally cultivated. Pride has been weakened. Burdens have been borne. Christ has been treasured. God’s Word has steadied our feet as we have humbled ourselves under its authority.

None of these evidences of grace are attractive or flashy to the world. However, we can be confident that our God is pleased when righteousness is embraced and sin is put to death. I cannot think of much that has happened this year that would catch the attention of non-spiritual people. But, I can think of hundreds of attitudes and actions that have caught the gaze of the only Judge.

Let me mention five specific evidences of grace at Christ Baptist Church for which I am grateful. But, far more important than my recognition of these marks of health is the pleasure and glory that the Triune God receives from them.

First, let me again express my gratitude for my fellow elders, Tim and Jonathan. Godly and gifted elders are one of the clearest expressions of God’s kindness to a church. Humble and holy pastors are 100 times more important to a church than buildings and programs. Church, God has been kind to give us Tim and Jonathan to care for our souls. My gratitude for them increases weekly as I observe their care for this church.

Second, I am thankful for our joyfully-reverent and Christ-exalting music at Christ Baptist. Each and every Sunday I am eager to gather here to sing of the beauty of the Savior. Rarely a Sunday goes by that I am not affected by the gospel truth contained in these songs we sing. I am thankful that the songs we sing are both theologically rich and emotionally engaging. I am grateful for Chris Scott and his faithful leadership over our music for the past year. Many of you may not realize that Chris has been leading our music for about 10 months now, and has not missed even one Sunday. Chris, thank you for being a model of consistency and for leading us each Sunday to survey the wondrous Cross on which the Prince of glory died.

Third, I love our Tuesday morning theology breakfast. I love the counter-cultural idea of getting up early, gathering around a table, and just encountering truth. One of the marks of a maturing Christian is a person who thirsts for truth. Genuine Christians humbly want to know God more. So, a handful of eager saints meet once a week to discuss theology. Rarely are the discussions earth-shattering or groundbreaking. Usually, we just smile and agree that our God really is amazing and Christ really is a great Savior. We leave each Tuesday resolved to make much of Him.

Fourth, I am extremely grateful for our children’s Bible study teachers. We have a fantastic group of children’s teachers who do an excellent job at caring for the youngest among us. As I’m preparing for the service on Sunday mornings, I sometimes get the unique opportunity of overhearing what is being taught in these children’s classes. I am often deeply moved as I hear the gospel being taught so regularly and clearly. Children’s teachers, I know your responsibilities are often unnoticed and overlooked. However, you can be confident that our God does not overlook your faithful care for those entrusted to you. Glenna, Sheryl, Sondra, Lisa, Jeff, Jennifer, Jeanna, Lori, and ‘Guerite: Thank you for investing in our kids. You do a great job and I am grateful for you.

Last and certainly not least, I want to express my gratitude for all the members of Christ Baptist Church. Your commitment to Christ and your care for my family and I make me an extremely happy pastor. I am regularly amazed that anyone would come and sit in these hard chairs and suffer through my sermons. I am thankful for your patience with me. I am thankful for your constant encouragement to me. And, I am thankful for your evident love for our Savior. I’m genuinely looking forward to many more years of treasuring Christ together.

Let’s also not forget all that God has taught us from His Word this year. We finished last year with the end of Galatians. We were reminded that justification by faith is the article upon which the church stands or falls. We were reminded that the gospel has implications for how we treat each other and how we live our lives.

We began 2008 with a 5 week series in the book of Ruth. I hope we never forget the message of that powerful little book. God is sovereign over all things and is orchestrating history to accomplish His redemptive purposes in Christ. Behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face.

In February, we started the journey through the Gospel of John. God has been kind to give us a sustained focus on the person and work of Christ. We are seeing week after week just how wonderful Christ really is. We are observing Him as He relentlessly pursues obedience to His Father. In the coming months, we will have a front row seat as He bids farewell to His disciples, and sets His face toward the Cross.

I am eagerly looking forward to this next year at Christ Baptist Church. Let me close this letter by pointing to a few things I would like to see happen over the next year. I’m praying that these evidences of grace would be apparent in the coming months.

-I’m looking forward to seeing a strong commitment to care and correction of each other through our care groups.
-I’m looking forward to seeing a steady stream of our friends, family, and neighbors coming to church.
-I’m looking forward to seeing you stepping out and taking risks for the cause of Christ in this area and beyond.
-And, I’m looking forward to seeing God open the eyes of unbelievers and add to our number those who are being saved.

Only God knows what will happen this year. Only He can grant us to live in harmony together (Rom. 15:5). But, no matter what happens, let’s stand firmly on the solid rock of Christ. Let’s build our hope on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. Let’s wholly lean on Jesus’ name. And, let’s look forward to that day when we will stand before the throne of God, dressed in the righteous of Christ.

In Christ Alone,
Pastor Justin

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