Saturday, September 27, 2008

One Reason NOT to Use Hand Written Sermon Notes

Your 9 month old son may mistake them for a chew toy on Saturday afternoon!

I was just too shocked to think about taking a picture for you.


  1. oh no - I feel your pain

  2. The title of this post could have been, "One reason I'm thankful for computers and printers."

    Seriously, what did Jonathan Edwards do when Jerusha slobbered up his manuscript?

  3. Hey! He is trying to eat the Word! But your sermon to learn from you with His Word in them. I wish that I can see the picture of him.

    I would like to know what did Joanthan Edwards did when Jerusha slobbered up his manuscript!

    Hungry to eat His Word! Yeah! Today is Sunday!
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion

  4. Anonymous7:42 AM

    That is one way to edit a manuscript!

  5. Very funny... but also terrifying for pastors!

    While on the topic, I often (foolishly?) wait until Sunday AM to print my sermon notes, and I have had that horrifying thought run through my mind, "What if the printer doesn't work...?"

    Thanks for sharing, Justin!
