I love the fact that we read a Psalm as our call to worship every Sunday at Christ Baptist. It is a practical reminder every Lord’s Day that God has revealed Himself in His Word.
A few Sundays ago, God used Psalm 102 to speak to me. I was particularly challenged by Psalm 102:18: “Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord.” The Psalmist then goes on to record some of the mighty acts of God that he wants the future generations to know.
Notice one very clear implication of the Psalmist’s desire. He loves the glory of God so much that one generation of praise is not enough. God is so wonderful that He deserves praise from more than just the people living right now. God is deserving of the worship of people not even created yet.
The Psalmist is a great example for us today. We should live in such a way that ensures God will be praised by those who come after us.
We have been entrusted with the message of the gospel. God has been gracious to allow us to experience His acceptance because of Christ. We now have a responsibility to be good stewards of the message of the gospel. Being good stewards of the gospel means ensuring that our children, grandchildren, and their grandchildren have access to this message. Every generation that follows us will be just as in need of a Savior as we are.
The most practical way to ensure that the gospel is preached to the next generation is by ensuring that gospel-soaked churches are firmly rooted. God has ordained that His church be the means of preserving the message of the Cross (1 Tim. 3:15). All other organizations are secondary and temporary. The church is the only institution that Jesus promised to build (Matt. 16:18).
This is why we started Christ Baptist Church and will continue to establish it in this area: We want God to be praised and the gospel to be loved by future generations.
So, practically, what can you do help people not yet created to praise the Lord? The possibilities are endless. However, let me offer a few suggestions that can be implemented right away. Here are two specific actions I am being challenged to begin making.
First, throw yourself, your time, your energy, and your gifts into the ministries of the church. Your involvement in the church will serve as an example to the next generation as to how a Christian loves the bride of Christ. What is your current attitude toward the church saying about its importance?
Secondly, figure out ways to invest more resources into the church. Make some sacrifices now so that people not yet created will have the opportunity to see the glory of Christ in the gospel. Most of the ministries of the local church are dependent on God’s people giving generously to make them happen.
Will the baton we pass to the next generation be one of faithfulness to the truth?
For the Glory of God,
Pastor Justin
Given the truth you expound on regarding the next generation. How foolishly rooted is our aversion to children as people of God. What efforts we make to ensure people indeed are not created. We do not truly believe children are a blessing, at least not yet. When we do, we will see an awakened bride.