Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Slain Lamb of Revelation 5

Revelation 4-5 is a majestic description of what is going on around the throne in Heaven.

-Christ is the One who invites and ushers John into Heaven (4:1).
-Christ is the only One worthy to take the scroll and open its seals (5:5, 7, 9).
-Christ is the lion of the tribe of Judah (5:5).
-Christ is the root of David (5:5).
-Christ has conquered (5:5).
-Christ is centrally located near or on the throne with the Father (5:6; 3:21).
-Christ is the slain Lamb (5:6).
-Christ is standing victoriously (5:6).
-Christ has seven horns with seven eyes (5:6).
-Christ ransomed people for God by His blood (5:9).
-Christ ransomed people from every nation for God (5:9).
-Christ has made these ransomed people a kingdom and priests to our God (5:10).
-Christ is worthy to receive power, wealth, wisdom, might, honor, glory, and blessing (5:12).
-Christ crucified is the center of worship in Heaven (chapter 5).

“One is taken aback by the emphasis on the cross in Revelation. Heaven does not “get over” the cross, as if there are better things to think about…Heaven is not only Christocentric, it is cruci-centric, and quite blaring about it.” –Jim Elliff

“When we are prone to think of the cross in a diminutive way, forgetting its grandeur, its accomplishment, its power, then remember what the angels think of it all and what we will see and sing at a future date when things are clearer.” -Jim Elliff

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! What great truths to think about and meditate on. Thank you for this meat to chew on! I just read about a WWII commander who said "bite off more than you can chew...then chew a lot!" I feel like I will do the same with Rev 5 tonight!
