Monday, October 27, 2008

All for Jesus and None but Jesus

I ended Sunday's sermon with this powerful word from Charles Spurgeon. It is offered to the readers of this blog with the hopes that God would chain you to the message of the Cross and thus enlarge your ministry.

“Surely, we make too little of our Redeemer’s death. I fear that even we, who preach most concerning it, dwell too little upon it; that we, who pray, plead it too little; that we, who sing, praise our Lord too little for his wondrous death; and that we, who live upon his grace, yet think too little of the channel by which it flows to us. Christ’s death is his glory and it ought also to be ours. All other topics in Holy Scripture are important, and none of them are to be cast into the shade; but the death of the Son of God is the central sun of all these minor luminaries. I could almost wish that we had broken every other string of our soul’s harp but that which resounds the music of his love. Silence, ye other voices; and let the voice of his blood be heard in our souls! If we were bound down to this one subject, — chained to it, and never suffered to take another, but compelled simply to stand, and cry incessantly, “Behold the Lamb of God, which, taketh away the sin of the world,” — it would be an enlargement, rather than a narrowing of our ministry. Our mottoes shall be, “All for Jesus,” and “None but Jesus.” May the blessed Comforter, whose work it is to glorify Christ, and to take of that which belongs unto him, and apply it unto us, give us the power of Christ’s death in our hearts!”

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this with us!

    In Christ Alone,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion
