Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Gospel Is...

I am enjoying reading through Driscoll's Death by Love. Each chapter is a reminder that the gospel is intended to actually change people's lives. Chapter 4 is the best one so far. In it, Driscoll writes a letter to a man who assumes he is a Christian but does not have a functional understanding of the gospel.

Here is how Driscoll exposits 1 Corinthians 15:1-4:

The gospel is:
1. Continual (we need to continually be reminded of it).
2. Proclamational (it must be preached to us often).
3. Personal (we must personally receive it by faith).
4. Essential (we must cling to it for the assurance of our salvation).
5. Central (most important).
6. Christological (it is about the person and work of Jesus).
7. Penal (the wage for sin was paid).
8. Substitutional (Jesus died in our place).
9. Biblical (in fulfillment of the Scriptures).
10. Eschatological (our future hope is in Jesus' resurrection).

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