Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Keep the Hammer of the Gospel at Work

To compliment the quote by Lig Duncan in the previous post, here is one by Spurgeon:

"Beloved, if we want to have fruit in our ministry, if we want to see sinners
converted, we must preach up Christ’s death. As the blacksmith strikes the
hot iron upon the anvil, we must keep the hammer of the gospel at work
upon this great foundation truth, “Christ died for our sins according to the
Scriptures.” It is no talking to men upon other topics in the hope that it will
lead to their conversion. The great soul-quickening agency is “Jesus Christ,
and him crucified.” Whoever will come and trust in the God-appointed
Substitute for sinners shall be eternally saved, for life comes only through
his death. The salvation of sinners is not even by preaching the great and
glorious truth of Christ’s second Advent, nor by preaching about Christ’s
millennial and eternal glory, but by incessantly pointing to Christ lifted up
upon the cross. There is the grain of wheat that, put into the ground, brings
forth much fruit; and we must keep to that theme beyond all others."

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