Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yet Another Reason Why I Don't Like Church "Message" Signs


  1. I agree with you, Justin! I had seen some crazy signs but nothing like this as argument with other church. WHOA! I am glad that we aren't doing that!

    Hungry for His Word, (I am not get eating like I should be.)
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion

  2. And we wonder why so many in the community don't pay attention to the gospel message.
    Maybe it's because so many churches are arguing over dogs and rocks rather than proclaiming the Gospel!

  3. Photoshopped:

    1) Look at the reflections for the Catholic Church sign, all the exact same.

    2) Look at the white car on the left side of the Catholic sign, and the red one behind it. Exactly the same, yet again.

    3) The coloring of the Presbyterian Sign and building are exactly the same.

    Very clever, but unfortunately not real.

  4. MMMM! I didn't pay attention to that. Good point that you saw that.

    Just got my ESV Study Bible to eat,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion

  5. yep, I thought it was photoshopped. Although I wouldn't be suprised that something so rediculous could happen.

  6. Not only are they not real, they weren't originally meant to be taken as real. They're both from the free Church Sign Generator website. Peace.

  7. Just because its not real doesn't mean its not sad. I've seen worse on real signs.
