Sunday, October 05, 2008

Your Comfort is NOT Most Important to Jesus

Physical health and life are not the most important things to Jesus. They are very important to us, but not to the Savior.

You see, Jesus is more than willing to allow and ordain great grief and sickness in our lives in order to get us to see His glory.

This is clearly the point of John 11:5-6. Lazarus is sick and Jesus knows he is going to die. Martha and Mary call for Jesus to do something. Jesus loves Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. So, what does love do?

Jesus' demonstrates His love toward this family by allowing Lazarus to die. He stays where He is for 2 more days. Jesus loves this family (verse 5). "So" He waits 2 more days (verse 6). Evidently, Jesus is willing to allow Martha and Mary to experience pain and grief even though He could clearly do something to spare them from it.

Jesus tells us why in verse 4 and in verse 15. In verse 4, He says this is all for the glory of God. In verse 15, He tells the disciples that Lazarus died in order that they might believe in Him. So, Jesus is passionate about displaying His glory so that people might believe in Him. He is willing to ordain pain, suffering, and difficulties in order that His glory might be seen and embraced.

Question: In your present circumstances, what do you desire most: your comfort or God's glory? There is no doubt as to which one the Savior desires most.

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