Sunday, November 09, 2008

Becoming a Gospel-Motivated Servant

I really loved studying and preparing for the sermon on John 13:1-20 this week. I was rebuked daily by Jesus' example of humbled-hearted service. This is one of the clearest passages on the relationship between the gospel and how we serve one another. Jesus' washing away of our sins on the cross is the source and pattern of our service to one another. The only response to the cross is to be a gospel-motivated servant of others.

Here was one of the questions that challenged me this week: When you enter a room with others (i.e. church on Sundays), who is the least important person in the room? The answer should always be the same no matter who else is present in that room. Paul said we are to look out for the interests of others and consider others more important than ourselves (Philippians 2).

Do you immediately see yourself as the least important person, there to serve others? Or, do you subtly think that everyone else should recognize how blessed they are to know you?

So, what are some ways we can grow in actually becoming a servant?

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