Thursday, December 18, 2008

Top 15 Books of 2008

Last year, I listed my top 15 books of 2007. So, I thought I'd let you know how I'd rank the top 15 books published in 2008. Actually, this is simply the top 15 books of 2008 that I read (which is only a small portion of books actually published in 2008).

1. A Gospel Primer by Milton Vincent

2. In My Place Condemned He Stood by JI Packer and Mark Dever

3. Spectacular Sins by John Piper

4. What is a Healthy Church Member by Thabiti Anyabwile

5. Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin

6. Whiter Than Snow by Paul Tripp

7. This Momentary Marriage by John Piper

8. Worldliness, edited by CJ Mahaney

9. Why We're Not Emerging by Two Guys Who Should Be by DeYoung and Kluck

10. Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor by DA Carson

11. Death by Love by Mark Driscoll

12. The Courage to be Protestant by David Wells

13. Instructing a Child's Heart by Ted Tripp

14. Game Day for the Glory of God by Stephen Altrogge

15. Culture Shift by Al Mohler

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Ah, that would be my #1 pick too. An amazing book!
