Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jesus in 1 John

Here are some of the references to Jesus Christ in the book of 1 John. Christianity is about Jesus Christ. He is the content of the Christian gospel.

-Jesus is the eternally existent Word of Life (1:1; 5:12).
-Jesus was with the Father and made manifested in the flesh (1:2).
-We have fellowship with Jesus (1:3).
-Jesus’ blood cleanses us from all sin (1:7).
-Jesus Christ is our advocate with the Father; He is righteous (2:1).
-Jesus is the propitiation for our sins (2:2; 4:10).
-Jesus is our example of how to live (2:6).
-Jesus is the Christ (2:22; 5:1).
-Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also (2:23).
-Jesus appeared to take away sins (3:5).
-Jesus appeared to destroy the words of the devil (3:8).
-Jesus laid down His life for us (3:16).
-Jesus has come in the flesh (4:2).
-The Father sent Jesus as an expression of His love (4:9).
-Jesus is the Savior of the world (4:14).
-Jesus is the Son of God (4:15; 5:5).
-Jesus came by the water and the blood (5:6).
-Life is in Jesus (5:11-12).
-Jesus came to give us understanding (5:20).

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