Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Evangelistic Preaching of the OT

The most recent 9 Marks interview is with Don Whitney. It is a great interview if you have a chance to listen. In it, Dr. Whitney praies Iain Murray and particularly mentions Lloyd-Jones: Messenger of Grace (although I think he gets the title wrong the first time he mentions it) as helpful for pastors to read.

Chapter 3 of Lloyd-Jones: Messenger of Grace is basically about the importance of the Old Testament. Lloyd-Jones would preach an evangelistic message on Sunday evenings and would often use OT texts.

Iain Murray identifies what Lloyd-Jones saw as the chief emphases of the OT:
1. Scripture reveals sin in its true nature.
2. Scripture reveals the absolute futility of life without God.
3. Above all else, the Old Testament is a book about God.

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