I must say that the last chapter of Finally Alive is the most helpful to me. After explaining the nature of the new birth for 14 chapters, Piper asks, "How can we help others be born again?" It is basically a chapter on personal evangelism.
His short answer is: "Tell them the good news of Christ from a heart of love and life of service."
After making clear that only God can open blind eyes, Piper writes (pp. 180-181):
"Don't stop because you can't do this. Of course you can't. Only God can open the eyes of the blind (2 Cor. 4:6). But the fact that you can't make electricity or create light never stops you from flipping light switches. The fact that you can't create fire in cylinders never stops you from turning the car key. The fact that you can't create cell tissue never stops you from eating your meals. So don't let the fact that you can't cause the new bith stop you from telling the gospel. That is how people are born again--through the living and abiding word, the good news of Jesus Christ."
He then gives 10 encouragements for speaking the gospel:
1. Know this: God uses clay pots.
2. Get resources to share.
3. Know that God may use many influences.
4. Be a lavish giver.
5. Find people interesting.
6. Invite people to church.
7. Fill the city with gospel teaching.
8. Use your giftings.
9. Read books on evangelism (see the particular books he recommends here).
10. Pray for boldness.
"If you feel average or below average in your fitness to share the gospel treasure, you are closer to the truth than someone who feels powerful and wise and self-sufficient."
ReplyDeleteExcellent summary! I got my copy on Friday and am a few chapters into it now, but very challenged by the fact that you're already finished! Thanks for throwing up summary posts on it, especially for this last chapter, I can't wait to read it.
Our church took a group of folks out last weekend for an evangelistic outreach in our community. How I wish I could have had this then to encourage the group with. We had so many people that were so intimidated at walking up to people and initiating a conversation about Christ, but at the end, God reminded us of his faithfulness, and that he is the one who gives life and directs our conversations.
I will be excited to share these encouragements with the group though.