Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Content of Christian Preaching

As I read through Acts in January and February, I jotted down each time the content of the apostles' preaching was mentioned. I'm not surprised by what I found. Here is a summary of my findings:

2:36 – The crucified Jesus is both Lord and Christ.
3:15 – You killed the Author of Life.
4:2 – They were proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection.
4:12 – Salvation in no other name.
5:31 – Jesus is Leader and Savior.
5:42 – They did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.
8:5 – Philip proclaimed to them the Christ.
8:25 – they returned to Jerusalem preaching the gospel.
8:35 – Philip told him the good news about Jesus.
8:40 – Philip passed through preaching the gospel.
9:20 – Saul immediately proclaimed Jesus.
11:19 – Those who were scattered spoke the word.
11:20 – They were preaching the Lord Jesus.
14:7 – Paul and Barnabas continued to preach the gospel.
14:21 – They preached the gospel.
15:35 – Paul and Barnabas remained preaching the word of the Lord.
15:36 – They proclaimed the word of the Lord.
16:10 – God had called us to preach the gospel to them.
17:18 – Paul was preaching Jesus and the resurrection.
28:23 – Paul tried to convince them about Jesus.

Preacher: How would you summarize the content of your preaching?
Church member: How would you summarize the content of the preaching you hear?

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