Sunday, March 01, 2009

A Glorious Intimacy

In John 17:24, Jesus concludes His High Priestly Prayer by stating His desire. What does Jesus desire just hours before He goes to the Cross?

He says He desires for His Bride (those given to Him by the Father) to be with Him and to see His glory.

As He approaches His death for those whom the Father gave Him, Jesus ponders eternity future where His pure Bride will be with Him and enjoy His glory.

Jesus is not reluctant to reveal His glory. He desires that we see His glory. And, we will spend all eternity exploring and enjoying a glorious intimacy with the Savior.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this online! I am sorry that I miss the seromon or being at the church when I was doggie sick this morning! I thought that I would recover, but I was wrong. I am looking forward to learn more and listen to your sermon too.

    Hungry to eat His Word,
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion
